was a popular mid-morning
music show broadcast in
the 1960s in which the
dance music of the
'twenties was featured.
The instrumental numbers
were played by James
Moody and the Top
Hatters, a small
twenties-style dance
band. James was an
outstanding pianist who
was often featured in
novelty numbers such as
'Kitten On the Keys' and
'Dizzy Fingers'. The
programme also featured
Cherry Lind, a versatile
singer who was a stalwart
of the Light Programme -
equally at home with
operetta as she was with
the chirpy, stylised
singing required to
reproduce the sound of
the 'twenties.
male singer was also
featured, sometimes in
duets or as a soloist
with the band. This was
usually Harry Dawson,
although other singers
such as Dennis Bowen also
took part. It was hardly
the sort of programme to
be appreciated by those
whose musical
inclinations were towards
the emerging pop groups,
but as one who never
followed trends, I
thought that it was
rather fun and was worth
listening to for the
piano artistry of James
Moody alone. It was
obviously very popular,
as it was revived in an
evening slot some years
programme's signature
tune was 'The

to 'As You Were'
with Cherry Lind, Dennis
Bowen and 'James Moody
and the Top Hatters'
as broadcast on BBC Radio
2 in the early 1970s.