Midland Light Orchestra
rehearsing with Rae
anybody under 40 years of
age, the concept of
popular radio being
anything other than a
series of disc jockeys
and personality
presenters must be
difficult to comprehend.
Nevertheless, radio
entertainment up until
the late sixties was
totally different from
today, and for me, much
more enjoyable. Because
of the BBC's 'needletime'
agreement with the
Musician's Union, music
on record was strictly
limited, thus ensuring
regular employment of
'live' musicians in the
studio. The benefit to
listeners was that it was
possible to hear
programmes by light
orchestras, dance bands,
brass and military bands
etc many times a week
often several
times a day.
addition to using many
outside orchestras, the
BBC had their own
Regional Staff orchestras
specialising in light
music, based in London,
Birmingham, Glasgow,
Bristol and Belfast. Even
the more symphonic
Cardiff based BBC Welsh
Orchestra took part in
light music programmes
until the early sixties.
Of these orchestras, the
BBC's 'Pride and Joy' was
the BBC Midland Light
Orchestra, which could be
heard 'on the air'
several times a week and
whose versatility knew no
look at the origins of
the orchestra. As a title
it came into being in
1941; however, there had
always been a BBC
orchestra in the
Midlands. In the early
days there was a small
combination called the
'Midland Studio
Orchestra' but in 1934
this was succeeded by the
34 piece BBC Midland
Orchestra of
necessity a part- time
combination, as it was
drawn from the ranks of
the City of Birmingham
Orchestra. Upon outbreak
of war, in accordance
with an order to the BBC
from the Military Service
Tribunal, the Midland
Orchestra was disbanded
the view being
that in war-time the BBC
should employ fewer
musicians. However, this
order was partly
rescinded in 1941 and
from the core of the
previous orchestra was
established a 24-piece
orchestra entitled the
BBC Midland Light
Orchestra the
BBC's argument being that
to have their own
orchestra would reduce
their need for outside
like its predecessor, it
was part-time and drawn
from the C.B.O. A number
of well-known theatre
musicians conducted it in
the early years Richard
Clifford Greenwood and Harry
amongst them. However, by
1943, Rae Jenkins had
been installed as
resident conductor. The
orchestra had once again
nearly been lost in 1942
when the National Service
Tribunal again tried to
get it disbanded but this
time the BBC put their
foot down, stating that
"such action would
deprive the Corporation
of their principal
ensemble for providing
light music
1944 the M.L.O, which had
been moved to
Kidderminster for much of
the war, returned to
Birmingham and was
reconstituted as a
full-time orchestra, no
longer reliant on the
C.B.O for its musicians.
In 1946 it was augmented
to 31, at which time Rae
Jenkins was moved to the
BBC Variety Orchestra,
newly returned to London
after its war-time
'posting' to Bangor in
North Wales. Many readers
will recall that Rae
Jenkins later had a long
association with the BBC
Welsh Orchestra in
replacement in the M.L.O.
was Gilbert Vinter, a
respected bassoonist, who
had just left the Royal
Air Force after several
years as bandmaster of
their Flying Training
Command Band. He was
destined to be associated
with the M.L.O. (albeit
intermittently) for the
rest of his life.
Although guest conductors
such as H.C. Burgess and
Harold Gray were
sometimes used, the
majority of broadcasts
were under the baton of
Gilbert Vinter until 1952
when he was appointed
conductor of the newly
formed BBC Concert
Orchestra (formerly BBC
Opera Orchestra). His
place was taken by Leo
Wurmser who was also the
official staff
accompanist in
Birmingham. However, he
was not destined to hold
this position for very
long, as Gilbert Vinter
(disenchanted with the
BBC Concert Orchestra)
returned to Birmingham
the following year. He
went free-lance in 1955,
establishing the British
Concert Band, The
International Players and
the International Light
Orchestra in London.
some months of using
guest conductors in
Birmingham (including
Vinter) it was decided to
appoint 29 year old
Gerald Gentry (formerly
Assistant Conductor of
the BBC Scottish
Orchestra) to the
position of conductor of
the BBC Midland Light
Orchestra with Leo
Wurmser as his deputy. Mr
Gentry was a viola player
and commenced his
professional career at
the age of 15. He had
been a member of the BBC
Concert Orchestra,
working with choirs,
orchestras and operatic
societies in his spare
time. From his background
it might not appear that
he was the obvious choice
to conduct a light
orchestra, however it
should be noted that for
many years the orchestra
'doubled' as a symphony
orchestra dropping the
word 'light' from its
title and playing in the
predominantly classical
lunchtime series 'Concert
Hour' playing such works
(Haydn, for example) that
could be performed by a
39 piece orchestra
they had been augmented
in 1953 (sounds
painful!). Also, the
orchestra's repertoire
had been largely of the
older, more classically
orientated light music
Charrosin, German, Haydn
Wood, Fletcher etc, and
until a few years ago,
their recording of
'Barwick Green' by Arthur
Wood introduced the daily
events at Ambridge in
'The Archers'.
Gerald Gentry departed,
early in 1959, the
orchestra was without an
'official' conductor for
about 18 months, during
which time most of the
conducting was shared
between Gilbert Vinter,
Leo Wurmser and Jack
a man of considerable
talent. Having left
Kneller Hall in 1943 with
the Gold Cup for the Best
Pupil of the Year, it was
not long before he was
playing lead trumpet with
George Melachrino and the
Band of the Allied
Expeditionary Forces. By
the mid-forties he had
formed a ten-piece dance
band (The Music Masters)
as well as his 'Orchestre
Moderne' which, as its
title would suggest,
specialised in the
contemporary light music
of the day. For a long
time the BBC had held
Jack Coles in high
esteem. He had guest
conducted both the BBC
Revue Orchestra and the
BBC Concert Orchestra
the latter being
for the BBC Festival of
Light Music at the Royal
Festival Hall. During the
last quarter of 1958 he
was asked to do a weekly
programme in the series 'Melody
on the Move
conducting (in sequence)
the BBC Welsh Orchestra,
West of England Light
Orchestra and Midland
Light Orchestra
effectively being given
his 'pick' of the
orchestras when a vacancy
occurred. His future was
probably clinched in May
1959 when he was asked to
take the BBC Studio Choir
on a broadcasting tour of
Holland. The BBC were so
delighted with the
results that they told
him that he had exceeded
their wildest
expectations, stating
"you will probably
say that these were
professional engagements,
but there are
professionals and
was officially appointed
Conductor of the Midland
Light Orchestra in August
1960 but this came at a
time of change and new
thinking at the BBC. A
review had been conducted
into the repertoires of
the Staff orchestras and
as a result, it was felt
that some of them were
'not sufficiently light'.
So, two major changes
were implemented. With
the retirement of Frank
Cantell from the BBC West
of England Light
Orchestra, it was decided
to reduce their personnel
to 18 players; they
renamed it the BBC West
of England Players
directed by Peter Martin
(from the piano). Their
speciality became
'popular music' rather
than light music. The
M.L.O. was reduced to 30
players and the brief to
Jack Coles upon taking
over, was to imprint his
own personality upon the
orchestra, doing (or
commissioning) new
arrangements of popular
music and contemporary
light music. With his
dance band experience, it
came naturally to Jack
and he evolved a
distinctive and highly
attractive style for the
orchestra which the
musicians clearly
enjoyed. The brass
section packed a terrific
'punch' and in their
rhythm numbers they
really did swing! There
was one problem
Jack could not do it
full-time, as he lived in
London and had no wish to
move. Consequently, he
commuted between London
and Birmingham, staying
at a hotel for two or
three nights whilst doing
some broadcasts then
returning to London
where he
undoubtedly worked on his
arrangements for the
orchestra. It was
therefore necessary for
the BBC to recommission
Gilbert Vinter as
Co-Conductor to cover the
days when Jack was in
London. With his more
traditional background,
he could not really be
expected to play the
'swing' arrangements that
Jack had introduced
(although he quite often
slipped one in!)
Consequently, his shows
were of more traditional
light music albeit
a little Iighter than
before. The BBC in London
warmed to the idea of
having an 'all purpose'
orchestra and fully
approved of the
contrasting styles of the
two conductors, feeling
that it effectively gave
them two orchestras for
the price of one! Having
said that, BBC Birmingham
were less happy about it,
feeling, understandably
that their 'light
orchestra' should be
precisely that, not a
dance band! However, they
were overruled by London
who liked the idea of an
orchestra that could (and
did) play everything from
Mozart (in 'Concert
Hour') to Nelson Riddle!
Gilbert Vinter and Jack
Coles were prolific
composers, the former
being known best for
'Portuguese Party',
'Lisbon Carnival',
'Rattlesnake' and
'Serenade for a Veiled
Lady' apparently
dedicated to his rather
secretive teenage
daughter. He also wrote a
number of more serious
works. Jack Coles' most
famous composition was
'Tyrolean Tango'
recorded by George
Melachrino and Duke
Ellington. Other
favourites of his
included 'Paraqueets and
Peacocks', 'Mexican
Serenade', 'Spanish Mule
Dance', 'Gentle
Persuasion' and 'Dude
was of some concern to
the BBC when appointing
Jack Coles, that being
both a composer and
publisher, he might seek
to take advantage of the
opportunities afforded by
broadcasting several
times a week, He was
therefore required to
give a guarantee that he
would never include in
any programme, more than
one piece in which he had
a financial interest. In
addition, both Vinter and
Coles had a clause in
their contracts
forbidding them to play
each others
compositions they
both completely ignored
Jack Coles did many
arrangements for the
orchestra, it was
obviously impossible for
him to do them all, so
some were done by members
of the orchestra such as
pianist, Harold Rich and
trombonist, Peter
Atherton. Others were
commissioned from a
variety of arrangers,
including Peter Hope,
Neil Richardson, David
Francis, Roy Green and
Roy Jones the
latter being responsible
for some very clever
modern arrangements of
Ketelbey favourites,
although they would have
probably had the maestro
doing headstands in his
success of the 'new'
M.L.O. was in no small
measure due to its
excellent rhythm section
Harold Rich
(piano), Alan Edwards
(guitar), Bill Hoare
(bass) and Norman Parker
surely one of the
best percussionists in
the business; they also
broadcast in their own
right as the Harold Rich
Quartet. Another factor
which surely helped, was
that they were a 'mature'
orchestra which included
a large number of
middle-aged men and women
todays BBC Concert
Orchestra which is very
youth dominated.
aforementioned Harold
Rich told me that his
many years with the
orchestra (he joined in
1960 and stayed to the
bitter end) were the
happiest of his life.
Indeed the M.L.O. was
regarded by guest
conductors as the
happiest orchestra in
Britain. They were, of
course, extremely lucky
with their conductors,
compared with some of the
other regional
orchestras. David Curry (Northern
Ireland Light Orchestra)
would refuse to use a
musician on a broadcast
if he was five minutes
late for a rehearsal
Variety Orchestra)
was regarded as a
positive tyrant with his
temper tantrums and his
refusal to even speak to
his musicians other than
in the studio!

The BBC Midland
Light Orchestra conductor
Jack Coles
Rich tells me that by
contrast, Jack Coles was
an absolute pleasure to
work with; he was highly
respected by the
orchestra, both as a
musician and as a person
a sociable man who
was always happy to enjoy
a joke with his
musicians, even if it was
at his own expense. He
was also very generous;
he had only to be told
that a musician had hit
hard times and out would
come his wallet. No
Christmas would ever pass
without Jack giving a
present to each of his 30
musicians. (I must say
that from my few
encounters with Jack
Coles, I always found him
the epitomy of courtesy
and good manners).
Vinter was also well
liked, although he was
more formal and perhaps a
trifle staid
Harold Rich describes him
as a 'traditional English
Gentleman'. He too, was
generally calm and
courteous, although he
could get a little
'prickly' if there was a
full moon! The
orchestra kept a close
watch on the calendar!
struck the M.L.O. in
1969. One evening, whilst
driving home from the
studio, two musicians,
the leader James Hutcheon
and the principal
trombonist Peter Atherton
were killed in an
accident. The following
morning Jack Coles
attempted to address the
stunned orchestra, but
broke down in tears. As
if this wasnt
enough the sudden death,
a few months later, of
Gilbert Vinter at the age
of 60 was a further blow.
He was not replaced;
instead a number of guest
conductors, including
Michael Moores, Peter
Martin and Stanford
Robinson took the helm
when Jack Coles was in
London. Harold Rich also
conducted the orchestra
on many occasions.

The BBC Midland
Light Orchestra conducted
by Michael Moores
courtesy of Alan Bunting)
1972, Jack Coles was told
that his contract was not
to be renewed and he
apparently disappeared
without announcement
the orchestra
regretting the fact that
they had no opportunity
to give him a big
send-off. He spent the
next ten years living in
Italy in a place called
'Positano' the
title of one of his
1973 the BBC Midland
Light Orchestra was
disbanded and replaced by
the Midland Radio
Orchestra under another
respected musician -
Norrie Paramor. For me,
it was just not the same;
it had no brass section
and many of the other
M.L.O. musicians were
replaced. Stylistically
it was quite different
and it specialised in the
popular tunes of the day,
its main programme being
'Radio Two Top Tunes'.
Norrie Paramor died in
1979 and the orchestra,
together with several
other BBC orchestras, was
finally wound up in 1980
after a long industrial
dispute in which the
Musicians Union (and the
orchestra) attempted to
save it. This ended 50
years of music making in
the Midlands.
I am grateful to Harold
Rich for some of the
information recounted in
this epistle.

to The BBC Midland Light
Orchestra conducted by
Jack Coles
on 5th November 1966

to The BBC Midland Light
Orchestra conducted by
Gilbert Vinter
circa 1964

to 'Midland Melody'
played by the BBC Midland
Light Orchestra conducted
by Jack Coles
The Harold Rich Quartet
Rosemarie Brett Davies
and Marie Cooper at two

to 'Music On The Move'
played by the BBC Midland
Light Orchestra conducted
by Jack Coles
on 18th February 1964
ON THE MOVE on 18th
February 1964
played by the BBC Midland
Light Orchestra conducted
by Jack Coles
Mad About the Boy
The Scales of Justice
Spring is Here
Mes Champs Elysses
September in the Rain
Skiffling Strings |
Haysom arr. Hanmer
Noel Coward
Johnny Douglas
Richard Rodgers
Pablo Ruiz
Tony Osborne
Harry Warren
Marguerite Monnot
Jack Coles
Ron Goodwin arr. Tilsley |

to 'Music On The Move'
played by the BBC Midland
Light Orchestra conducted
by Jack Coles
on 26th May 1964
ON THE MOVE on 26th May
played by the BBC Midland
Light Orchestra conducted
by Jack Coles
In the Blue of the
Night Ride
It Happened in Monterey
Sweet and Twenty
Lincolnshire Poacher
Room 505
Bandarilla |
D'Artega arr. Roy Green
Jack Coles
Tolchard Evans
Mabel Wayne
Ron Gardner
arr. Peter Atherton
Eric Maschwitz
Albert Marland |

to 'Music On The Move'
played by the BBC Midland
Light Orchestra conducted
by Jack Coles
on 9th June 1964
ON THE MOVE on 9th June
played by the BBC Midland
Light Orchestra conducted
by Jack Coles
Duke's Joke
Slightly Latin
In a Persian Market
Dear Friend
Marching Through Georgia |
Tony Osborne
Alan Clare
Jackie Brown arr.
Albert Ketelby arr. Ray
Jerry Bock
George Scott-Wood
Arr. Peter Hope |
ON THE MOVE at 8.15 a.m.
The Light Programme on
6th October 1960
played by the BBC Midland
Light Orchestra conducted
by Jack Coles
on the Move (Sig)
Lady of Madrid
Canzone d'amore
Toni's Tune
The Girl from Corsica
Riverboat Serenade
You've done something to
my heart
Westminster Waltz
Pines of Portofino
Poor Little Rich Girl
Mr. Lucky
Holiday Waltz
Melody on the Move (Sig)
Richardson arr.Coles
Tolchard Evans arr. Coles
E.Kalman arr. Coles
Donald Phillips arr.
Trevor Duncan
George Scott-Wood
Cy Coleman arr.P.Nash
Jack Coles
Noel Gay arr.P.Hope
Robert Farnon
Roper and Ross
Noel Coward
Henry Mancini
Roger Senicourt
Clive Richardson arr.
Coles |
on Thursday 21st.
November 1963 - Light
Conductor: Gilbert Vinter
Life is Nothing without
Washington Post
Cuban Boy
Maria's Tarentella
Singin' in the Rain
Forgotten Dreams
Goose Green
Cuckoo Polka
Little Lisa
Songs of Czechoslovakia
Life is Nothing without
Music |
Hartley arr. Jack Coles
John Philip Sousa
Frank Chacksfield arr.
David Francis
Phil Green
Nacio Herb Brown arr.
Jack Coles
Leroy Anderson
Ivor Slaney
Johann Strauss
James Warr arr. Harold
arr. Gilbert Vinter
Fred Hartley arr. Jack
Coles |