Norman Whiteley and his
sextet only broadcast for
about two years, (at
least in Britain), Norman
was a long established
broadcaster as a solo
pianist and accompanist.
was born in Alberta,
Canada on 14th July 1913
and his first broadcast
with the BBC was in 1937,
when he was appearing at
the Grand Hotel,
Manchester. There is
evidence to suggest that
he formed a sextet,
consisting of piano,
violin, 2nd violin
(doubling tenor sax),
Alto sax(doubling
baritone), bass, vibes
etc. However, this does
not appear to have
achieved regular
Whiteley was an
accomplished classical
pianist as well as being
an adept rhythm pianist.
Indeed, at one stage he
wrote to the BBC
expressing concern that
his activities in the
world of popular music
might work against him as
far as his classical
broadcasts were
concerned; the BBC
quickly assured him that
his fears were
addition to his
activities at the
keyboard, Norman Whiteley
ran an agency which
supplied variety
entertainers for radio.
Broadcasting in the North
region, he often
accompanied singers as
well as playing solo
features with
broadcasting orchestras.
During the war, he became
Northern representative
for the music publishers,
Campbell, Connelly. He
appeared in 'Workers'
Playtime' and later on,
in 'Morning
He also appeared in such
programmes as 'Keyboard
Cavalcade', 'At the
Piano', 'Time for Music',
'Music at Teatime' and
'Continuous Performance'.
In the 1940's and early
fifties, he played with
the BBC
Midland Light Orchestra,
Toni and the North Pier
orchestra from Blackpool,
Dam and his Orchestra,
David Java and his
orchestra, Troise
and his Mandoliers,
and with Bernard
Monshin's Rio Tango Band
in the series 'Music in
your Home'
Whiteley moved to London
in 1946 and formed a trio
(piano and celeste, bass
and guitar). He asked the
BBC if he could appear in
'Piano Playtime' and,
perhaps unwisely, sent in
a demo recording of his
playing. Unfortunately,
the BBC said that it was
full of wrong notes and
insisted that he
re-audition! Not
surprisingly, Whiteley
was incensed that, as a
broadcaster, he should
again be required to
prove himself, and he was
none too pleased at the
suggestion that his demo
disc contained wrong
notes, and insisted that
he had merely
reinterpreted the pieces
in his own way. Let's
face it, what musician
would be stupid enough to
send in a demo containing
wrong notes!!
after this, the Norman
Whiteley Trio was
contracted to do a couple
of 'Music
While You Work'
programmes. After they
had been broadcast, the
programme's Organiser,
Kenneth Baynes expressed
the view that a quintet
would be better for the
show and it was agreed
that an accordion and a
violin would be added on
the next broadcast.
Unfortunately, the
broadcast turned out to
be a disaster, the
quintet being compared to
a village band!
Apparently, the broadcast
was so disorganised that
there was discussion as
to whether or not one
piece should be included,
right up to the start of
of transmission and in
the event, two pieces had
to be left out. The BBC
expressed the view that
whilst the individual
musicians were not to
blame, the programme was
badly built and that
Whiteley was not up to
organising a group such
as this, stating that
such a task required
organisational skills,
and a cool head -
qualities which they felt
that the bandleader
lacked. Whiteley conceded
that the broadcast was
unsatisfactory and asked
for the quintet to be
given another chance. The
BBC declined!
many musicians of his
era, Norman Whiteley was
a prolific composer, with
titles such as 'Flippant
Fingers' (the title of
one of his radio series),
'Water Spirit', 'Blue
Prelude', 'Dance of the
Drunken Flea', 'Kitten in
the Main Street',
'Sideshow', 'March of the
Little Soldiers'
(dedicated to the then
Lt. C.H.Jaeger, for many
years Director of Music
of the Irish Guards Band)
Other titles included
'Bell Ringers Ball',
'Pearly', 'Golliwogs'
Square Dance', 'Air for a
Summer Evening',
Spinning Wheel',
'Kathleen May',
'Flat Foot',
'A Song for
Penelope' and his best
known composition, his
signature tune 'Dusky
1952, Norman Whiteley was
taken seriously ill, with
a coronary thrombosis.
Even after he recovered
he was ordered by his
doctor not to work for a
year. He eventually
returned to broadcasting
in 1955, appearing with
the Southern Serenade
Orchestra and giving
piano recitals in the
series 'At the Piano'.
1957, Norman Whiteley and
his Sextet took to the
airwaves - piano, three
violins, guitar, bass and
percussion. Whatever
reservations the BBC may
have had about the
earlier quintet, these
were forgotten about, as
Whiteley produced a most
attractive light music
combination, in which he
usually featured a couple
of numbers from his
'three in ragtime',
jangle piano, bass and
banjo. The group
obviously pleased the BBC
who gave them lots of
dates. By 1958, they were
playing in 'Morning
Music' and in 1959 joined
the 'regular'
contributors to 'Music
While You Work', for much
of the year playing
alternate weeks with
'Morning Music'.
November 14th 1959 Norman
Whiteley and his Sextet
played their last sesson
for the BBC as Norman had
been asked by an American
music publisher to open
an office in Sydney,
Australia. This company,
Belinda Music,
subsequently became very
successful. in 1966
Norman presented to
Kenneth Baynes an LP
record, privately
produced, of his first
and last broadcasts with
the sextet. The LP label
had on it 'With best
wishes to Kenneth Baynes,
who probably did more
than anyone to establish
Music While You Work in
the British Isles.' It is
personally signed by
Norman Whiteley. I know
this because I now own
this record!
that the BBC would be
short of an ensemble,
fellow M.D. Bernard
Monshin suggested to the
BBC that pianist Maurice
Arnold should take over
the sextet and this was
agreed. It then became
Maurice Arnold and his
sextet for some years,
although Arnold gradually
stamped his own hallmark
on it by introducing his
own repertoire.
Australia, Norman
Whiteley reformed his
sextet (probably unaware
that his original group
was now under new
management) and broadcast
for several years for the
Australian Broadcasting
Company. Then, in 1966,
Whiteley decided to
return to Britain, as his
daughter was at
university here and his
family were back in
England. He wrote to the
BBC asking if he could
resume broadcasting with
his sextet.
Unfortunately, this was
at a time when ensembles
of this nature (including
Maurice Arnold) were
'getting the chop'.
Norman Whiteley's letter
remained unanswered, and
he never broadcast again.
Whiteley died aged 62 on
17th April 1976.

to 'Music While You Work'
played by Norman Whiteley
and his Sextet
as broadcast on The BBC
Home Service on 14th.
November 1959 at 10:30am.
played by Norman Whiteley
and his Sextet
on 14th November 1959
All Workers (sig)
Ill always be in
love with you
King of Dixieland
My heart in Portugal
Bow Jest
You are never far away
from me
Cat on a Cool tin roof
Only you
Dusky Aristocrat
Wait for me
A Certain Smile
Dizzy Fingers |
Clive Allen
Louis Gaste
Eric Jupp
Robert Allen
Mel Granville
Buck Ram
Norman Whiteley
Cecil Mack
Bernard Monshin
Sammy Fain
Zez Confrey |

to 'Music While You Work'
played by Norman Whiteley
and his Sextet
as broadcast on The BBC
Light Programme on 8th.
June 1959 at 10:30am.
played by Norman Whiteley
and his Sextet
on 8th June 1959
All Workers (sig)
Alpine Polka
Carnival Time
May you Always
Caf? Bonheur
Only You
Laughing Cha Cha
Wait for me
Red Pepper
Limehouse Blues
Calling All
Workers (sig) |
Henry Krein
Russ Conway
Herbert Lodge
Joe Henderson
Philip Braham
Eric Coates |

to 'Music While You Work'
played by Norman Whiteley
and his Sextet
as broadcast on the BBC
Light Programme on 16th.
September 1959 at
played by Norman Whiteley
and his Sextet
on 16th September 1959
All Workers (sig)
Wait for me
Swedish Polka
Cat on a Cool Tin Roof
Swiss Dancing Doll
I know why
Country Rig
Lock Up Your Daughters
Jamaica Walk
Ragtime Medley
. Tiptoe through
the tulips
. Rock-a-bye your baby
. Black-eyed Susans Grow
. Oh you beautiful Doll
Dusky Aristocrat
The Trolley Song
Calling All Workers (sig) |
G. D'ansi
Hugo Alfven
Mel Granville
Ron Goodwin
Albert Ketelbey
Harry Warren
E. Clifford/C. Payne
Geoff Love
Laurie Johnson
Cecil Norman
arr. Whiteley
J. Burke
Jean Schwartz
R. Whiting
Nat Ayer
Norman Whiteley
H. Martin/R. Blane
Eric Coates |