Radio Studio Orchestras,
Bands and Ensembles from
the '30s to the '60s

Brian Reynolds and I
would like to welcome you
to 'Masters of Melody' -
an antidote to the rock
and pop scene which has
virtually removed melodic
music from the airwaves.
The light orchestras and
dance bands of yesteryear
are missed by many
people. As an amateur
musician I have composed
a number of light pieces
which used to be
broadcast by orchestras
and military bands and
possess a substantial
collection of vintage
music broadcasts. I have
also undertaken extensive
research at the BBC
Written Archives and
these pages you will be
able to recapture
memories of many vintage
programmes, some of which
have disappeared into the
mists of time. You will
also be able to read
about the lives and
careers of some of the
'men behind the music'.
Although additions will
be made from time to
time, the emphasis will
be on poorly documented
artists who were prolific
broadcasters as opposed
to major recording
artists such as Mantovani
about whom much written
material exists.
Over the years I have co-presented a number of light music programmes with Howard Leader. These can be heard here:
The Howard Leader Show

website is still under
construction, so expect
more information to be
added as time permits.

As You Were

Brass and Strings 
and Early


Grand Hotel 
Home to Music 
Just William 
Kings of the Keyboard
Listen to the Band  Make Way for Music 
Marching and Waltzing 
Melody Hour
Melody on the Move 
Morning Music 
Music Box
Music in the Peter Yorke Manner

Music on the Move 
While You Work
The Lighter Side
Piano Playtime  Show Band Show 
Those were the Days
